Hello Neighbors,

A reminder that our annual neighborhood yard sale is planned for Saturday, Sept.19 (rain date Sept. 20) starting at 9:30am. All registration fees and proceeds from the White Elephant table go towards the Cedarwood Scholarship fund.  If you are planning to hold a yard sale, please register by sending your $5 fee to the Cedarwood Association Treasurer, Elisse Ghittelman, at 7 University Park Rd.

Please considering donating to the White Elephant table.  It will be located at 89 Cedarwood Ave. If you would like to donate items to be sold at the White Elephant table, please bring them to the table on the morning of the yard sale by 9 am.

We are also in need of some additional volunteers to work at the White Elephant table during the yard sale. If you are available to work a 1 hour shift during the yard sale, please contact Kathleen Gambale at [email protected].

Thank you for helping to make this event a success!