2011 Scholarship Winner – Michael Tiberio


From Michael:  “I am e-mailing you to update you on my sophomore year of college at Roger Williams University. In the past year I have been in two productions by my school’s theatre department– “The American Dream” by Edward Albee, as well as a variety show–in addition to being in a play called “A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant and a Prayer” which was produced by my school’s Women’s Center and advocates gender equality. Meanwhile I have made Dean’s List both semesters, with a 3.21 and a 3.27 GPA respectively.

Soon I will begin an internship at Camp Triumph, which is a summer camp for children with mental disorders (I am a psychology major and my school requires that each student complete an internship relevant to their major.) Also, this coming fall semester I am traveling abroad to London, with the school’s theatre department. Finally, I have begun and am very close to completing my ACE Personal Trainer certification, with the hopes that I can be a Certified Personal Trainer to help earn some money to get me through the rest of my education.”


Michael Tiberio, the 2011 scholarship winner, will be attending  Roger Williams University.