The Annual Picnic is coming soon- mark your calendars for Saturday, August 26 from 3-6 pm (rain date is Aug. 27) at the Cedarwood Park.

We’ll provide the main dishes, drinks, grill, and games. There will be a bouncy house, arts and crafts, a kid race and more! Meet new neighbors, reconnect with friends, and have fun! The Annual Picnic is for all ages.

Please consider bringing a side dish or dessert to share– you can sign up to volunteer online at or by emailing the event organizers below.

We’re also asking for people to bring fun backyard items they are willing to share during the event, such as a volleyball net/ball, basketballs, soccer balls/nets, Frisbees, lawn darts, horseshoes, corn hole, ladder ball, etc.

This event is free with your Cedarwood Association membership. Or pay your dues at the Picnic and join in the fun. If you have any questions, please contact the event organizers, Kathleen Gambale at [email protected] or Carey Sclafani at [email protected].