July 4th bike and stroller parade

Dear Neighbors, the July 4th bike and stroller parade will be held on Thursday, July 4th at 10am. Bring your patriotic decorated bikes, strollers, clothes and gear and meet us at the corner of Cedarwood and Wetherbee. We will then parade down to the park for snacks,...

Meet Your Neighbors, Saturday June 22 from 2-4 pm

Dear Neighbors,A reminder that Meet Your Neighbors is this Saturday, June 22, from 2-4pm at the Vautour’s house at 39 Wetherbee Rd.  This is a great way to connect with the neighborhood for both new and long time residents!  There will be drinks and refreshments...

Fundraiser evening group reservation on 5/23

We’re once again going to reserve some tables the night of Fundraiser (around 7pm or so).  The General Manager just reached out to us to ask that we give a count by Monday because they are starting to fill up with after work corporate events.  If you...