From posting on Cedarwood facebook page. Thank you!
Hello Cedarwood! The neighborhood meeting regarding the sewer project was tonight. The project is happening because the system is ancient and leaking into the ground and is a health issue. The project may begin as early tomorrow, on Florence. Streets will be dug up, the sewers repaired and the patched. Once the project is done the plan will be to resurface the roads in the fall.
The attached map shows what roads will have work done, and what kind of work will be done. If your house is green, the lateral line that goes from the main sewer line to your property line will be replaced. If any damage is done to your line the city will be responsible for fixing it. But replacing the line to the house will only happen if the owner has it done. If you want to know if that line needs work the city engineering office will come out to examine it. Call the engineering office for more info on that.
Work will be done between 7 and 3:30 most days, Monday thru Friday. You should be able to navigate your street while the work is being done. There should be no reason for them to enter your home. They may knock to suggest you move your car before they start if it looks like they will block your drive temporarily.
They anticipate getting 2-3 houses done a day. They will notify you with roughly 72 hours notice as they move thru the neighborhood.
Questions can be directed to the mayors office, or the city engineering office.