Cedarwood Yard Sale and Picnic this weekend, 9/21-22

Cedarwood Weekend!!!! Cedarwood Annual Yard sale is this Saturday September 21 from 9-2. Clean out your garage and closets! Donate stuff you want to get rid of to the White Elephant Table at 98 Cedarwood Ave if you don’t want to hang out at your own table. Buy new...

Yardsale postponed to Sunday 10/1

Hello Cedarwood neighbors, After careful consideration and watching the weather carefully, we have decided to postpone the Yardsale to Sunday, October 1 from 9-2. Please also note that sadly, we will not be having a White Elephant Table this year as we have in years...

Cedarwood Yard Sale This Weekend

Hi neighbors! We are getting ready for the yard sale this weekend and currently have almost 30 families signed up. The Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, 9/30 (rain date Sunday 10/1). But. We still need your help! The White Elephant table raises funds for the...

Yard Sale- volunteers needed

Wer’re still in need of some volunteers for the yard sale on Saturday. if you’re able to help out, especially with clean up at the end of the day, your help would be greatly appreciated....

Annual Cedarwood Yard Sale

Your chance to clear out your garage and closets or find new toys for your toddler is fast approaching! The 39th Annual Cedarwood Yard Sale is Saturday, September 24, 2022 9am to 2pm. Typically over 40 households participate and this looks like another excellent...

Looking for new Board members and volunteers

If you were at the Annual Meeting in June, you know that Kevin Delaney and I are stepping back from our roles on the CW Association. With our stepping back, there are a few roles on the Association that are now vacant. As with any volunteer group, it takes a whole...

Neighborhood theft

Neighborhood alert! A neighbor on Cedarwood Ave had the catalytic converter from one of their vehicles stolen on Wednesday night. They filed a police report and the officer said to expect more thefts to follow in the area. Please be extra vigilant- if you see...

Cedarwood Picnic

Hi All, The Neighborhood picnic is coming soon! Please save the date for Sunday, August 28 from 3-6 pm. In order for us to get a sense of the approx. number of attendees, please RSVP if you have a chance using the evite link below. Thank you!...